Is Bel Rosso Estates a Real Place?

By Emily Bex

Throughout the six-book Medici Warrior series, the reader will be introduced to the estate that Shade named after his pet name for Kate, Bel Rosso. Bell Rosso is Italian for beautiful red, and his tribute to her bright red hair. In Book One, the 3,000-acre estate that Shade acquired through a business deal with Alec…

Fact vs Fiction… The Paris Opera House

By Emily Bex

I listened to music on shuffle last week, and a song from Phantom of the Opera came on. It’s one of my favorite Broadway plays. I think I’ve seen it seven times, plus I have the DVDs of the movie and the stage play. It prompted me to make a Facebook post about the play,…

All about Luca?

By Emily Bex

Luca is a secondary character in the series. A “supporting actor,” if you will. I wrote the series about Shade and Kate’s journey through this paranormal romance, and of course, I needed the readers to connect with them emotionally. However, when creating all the characters for The Medici Warrior Series, I didn’t anticipate my fans’ response…

The Lovers’ Bridge.

By Emily Bex

I wanted to update you on a location I used in The Medici Warriors. As I have mentioned before, all of the sites I included in The Medici Warrior Series (except for their fictional homes) are real places. If you visit any of these cities, you can walk in the characters’ footsteps in these books…until…

Welcome to the Medici palace…

By Emily Bex

As I’ve noted in previous newsletters, I have used cities that I have visited or lived in for locales in The Medici Warrior Series, so as I wrote about them, I could reference actual places and capture the feel and the history of that place. If you have read the series (and seriously, why not?)…